In Loving memory of my former student-Minnie K from Akiak

Minnie K is the little girl in the red, on the left. This was at our end of the school year BBQ. Minnie was in 5th grade here.
Just received the call at midnight tonight, my former student and village ski program kid, has passed away due to a sudden (spinal fluid) illness this afternoon. Minnie K, was a one of the sweetest 4 and 5th graders that I've ever had the honor of teaching (taught her for two years). She always had a smile on her face and make sure everyone around her was taken care of. She was also an amazing little skier who absolutely loved her trip to Alyeska.. She was about to enter her Junior year in High School. She leaves behind a son that she had with my other former student "Richard" who took his life two years ago. I saw and hugged Minnie just a few months ago while she was in Anchorage, she was very happy to see me, and hugged me for a long time. It was my honor to have Minnie apart of my life. (I will try to find a photo of minnie and post it with this blog soon).
Minnie K was from the Yupik eskimo village of Akiak on the Kuskokwim. She marks the 8th former student that I've lost to suicide or illness in my 9 years of teaching... God bless these awesome kids that struggle so much. I love them all and def. have a few tears in my eyes tonight. Please, if you are reading this, send a prayer up for Minnie, her family, the community (kids) of Akiak who are all hurting tonight. Thank you! Wouldn't mind you sending a prayer my way too.
Here's praying that Tom's catching them and hugging them on the other side..Minnie was one of his favorites.