Denali Park Pre Season Fun

Happy Spring! The Sun is rising at 6AM and still shedding light on us at 10:00 PM, The snow is melting fast, the grizzlies have come of sleepyland to play with us once again, and Denali Park has opened it's road to Tetlanika (33 miles or so into the park-normally only accessible by bus during summer) for all of us who are lucky to be here this time of year. Mark and Karen Martin, Dan and Emily, and Ilah and myself couldn't help but grab our mountain bikes and head to Sable Pass on Sat. for some fun and fuzzies...however on the bike ride the only fuzzies we saw were a few rabbits...Our drive out was much more exciting when we drove by some caribou and met up with (our most exciting find) a Wolf! Mr. Wolf was standing right beside the road on a river drainage. We were able to get one photo of him as he headed for the hills..Thanks Mr. Wolf for making out day!