Prince William Sound Health Fair Fun

Spawns are basically sea weed with haring eggs attached to them. A favorite food of the locals (and our bush pilots). This was a huge event for the village as "Spawning" doesn't normally happen on the village beaches. Usually the locals would have to travel far and wide looking for a "'Spawned beach". Spirits were high. What I learned, the seaweed with air pockets that pop are nasty, you need to boil hot water and dip them in for five seconds before eating, and adding butter makes them a lot more yumtastic. I also learned that I would rather eat anything else in my fridge before my giant bag of spawns that they nice locals sent me home with. "smile". It was fun being around all the excitement.

Our district ordered a fleet of new foldable kayaks for our outdoor leadership program. Here is the first one being assembled and having it's test drive. It was snowing on us this day but after taking an hour to put the boat together, my new friend "The Legend" I like to call him, and I weren't going to let anything stop us. We had a blast and even got to see some sea otter up close and personal. Wow those things are big (sorry no photos) but let's just say I was wishing I had my water wings when one got a little too close.

This spring I was lucky enough to be one of the instructors for the Prince William Sound Health Fair. The rest of the instructors (based throughout the Sound) traveled aboard a ship to all the communities in the Sound. Births aboard the ship were limited so I ended up flying to each stop, by the end everyone felt like a family. The kids and communities love it. It was a lot of fun! Due to the fact that the Whittier tunnel was closed due to a massive rock slide my only route in was by train. So literally, I ended up taking planes, trains, and automobiles to complete the circuit. This made me giggle.