Winter For Real -25 and staying warm.

Winter has really hit now.. -25 and staying warm.
Average temps for the month have been -20 for the month of Nov., truck and house is winterized. "smile" Average inside temps 68 degrees.. The highlights of the month... I put up twinkly lights. I thought that I would post a few photos of my friends and neighbors Nikki, Rocky, and (the new addition-Pete). The shot of Pete and Rocky was taken at a Toco Bell in Fairbanks last weekend..we all met up there to go to a movie and do a bit of "fun" shopping at the Fairbanks Holiday Bizzare. Well, sort of, Pete and Rocky bailed out on the Bizzare to go to Home Depot for a little male bonding. For me, I was happy to skip HD this time around.."Smile"