For those who know me best, it's not a secret that kids are my I'm teaching, coaching, volunteering, self adopting an eskimo kid from Savoonga, sponsoring them from Africa, or dating single fathers with kids..I love them and once they enter my life they are apart of it forever (like super glued on my heart with added sprinkles)'s something that I'm proud of and thankful for. I have a few recent photos of the kids that, given different directions by the grown ups in their lives (ie: myself and their fathers), continue to be special to me.. I thought that it would be fun to put them into a blog. Walker and Nichole have been a constant part of my life since they were in 2nd grade(I will be seeing Nichole in a week and will get a photo then) and Login H..only been in my life less then a year but absolutely love the kid, we have a really cool relationship and I promised him (during one of our private "grown up to kid" talks) that I would always be there for him. I'm going to do my best to keep that..hopefully, I'll be able to post updates through his high school years as well..
(Mom, I'm sorry I haven't given you any biological grandkids (that's Eriky's department) but I'll give you slew of adopted ones to care about.."smile". I hope you are keeping a photo album "smile"..and sewing little blankets for each and every one of them. "smile".

Logan's proudly showing me his award and his lost front tooth at the Valdez Subway.

Logan wrestling, notice the focus 'smile"

Walker, mom look how huge he is now.

Reminds me of Erik
(Mom, I'm sorry I haven't given you any biological grandkids (that's Eriky's department) but I'll give you slew of adopted ones to care about.."smile". I hope you are keeping a photo album "smile"..and sewing little blankets for each and every one of them. "smile".

Logan's proudly showing me his award and his lost front tooth at the Valdez Subway.

Logan wrestling, notice the focus 'smile"

Walker, mom look how huge he is now.

Reminds me of Erik