Teacher Inservice Adventure Highlights-McCarthy Alaska
The McCarthy area tow truck. The Chugach Girls decide to pose for the company's 2008/2009 calendar in exchange for fixing our flat tire. "smile"
Alaska bush plane gassing up at the local Tosoro after landing on the hwy.
Beautiful lake we passed on the way to McCarthy
Main lodge where all of our inservice meetings took place.
It took us 10 hours from Anchorage to get to McCarthy, the last 2 hours of it were over an old rail road covered with dirt. Our group was blessed with 4 flat tires on this adventure. This was the perfect example of a "true Alaskan tire repair shop"
Shrine outside of our tire fixing company
Our Fearless Bob jumping with kids, family was welcome at our McCarthy adventure.
Flat tire.
Classical guitarist that entertained us our second evening in McCarthy
Bob and son (Rolie), our fearless leader.
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